Welcome! to the home page of historian of mathematics and logic Dr. Irving H. Anellis. I am currently a Visting Research Associate at the Peirce Project and Institute for American Thought, Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis. e-mail: ianellis@iupui.edu

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bibliography of Irving H. Anellis



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An Annotated Bibliography of Western-Language (Mainly English) Sources on the History of Formal Logic in Russia

Bibliography Index

Logic, history & philosophy of logic, history & philosophy of mathematics
*Books *Articles *Reviews, Abstracts, Reports, Notes *Edited work

Psychology, philosophy of mind, AI and cognitive science, mental health

General philosophy, Soviet philosophy; history of science


Some writings (pro et contra) on my work


Recent lecture invitations

Logic, history & philosophy of logic, history & philosophy of mathematics:

Ontological Commitment in Ideal Languages, (Ph.D. thesis, Brandeis University). Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1977.

Truth Trees for the Propositional Calculus and Quantification Theory: Introduction to Set Theory and Logic; Lecture Notes, Mississippi Valley State University (Itta Bena, Miss.: Mississippi Valley State University, 1980).

Introduction to Proof Theory: Papers in Metamathematics; Lecture Notes, Mississippi Valley State University (Itta Bena, Miss.: Mississippi Valley State University, 1980).

Jean van Heijenoort: Logic and Its History in the Work and Writings of Jean van Heijenoort (Ames, Iowa: Modern Logic Publishing, MLP Books, 1994).

(with a "Foreword by Benjamin S. Hawkins, Jr.), Evaluating Bertrand Russell (Fort Dodge, Iowa: Peirce Publishing, 2006).


"Truth Trees for the Propositional Calculus and Quantification Theory" (mimeo; May 1979, 12pp.)

"Un'inconsistenza nell'aritmetica di Peano (PA), dimonstrata da una prova di consistenza relativa usando l'aritmetica di Presburger (P*A)", Nominazione: Rivista Internazionale di Logica 1 (1980), 36-42.

"La psicologia di Piaget, la matematica costruttivista e l'interpretazione semantica della verita secondo la teoria degli insiemi", Nominazione: Rivista Internazionale di Logica 2 (1981), 174-188.

"Boolean Groups", Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Dedekind-Tagung issue 33 (1982), 85-97.

"Russell's Earliest Reactions to Cantorian Set theory, 1896-1900", Axiomatic Set Theory (James E. Baumgartner, Donald A. Martin & Saharon Shelah, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 31 (Providence: American Mathematical Society, 1984), 1-11.

"Russell's Problems with the Calculus", in Christa Binder (ed.), Proceedings of the Austrian Symposium on History of Mathematics, 9-15 November 1986, Neuhofen an der Ybbes (Vienna: Österreichische Gesellschaft der Geschichte der Wissenschaften, 1986), 124-128.

"Russell's Problems with the Calculus", Vadim L. Rabinovich (ed.), Abstracts, LMPS '87, Moscow, USSR, 17-22 August 1987, Eighth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Moscow, Acad. Sci. USSR, 1987), vol. 3, §13, 16-19. (revised version of the previous)

"Sof'ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja (1896-1966)", in Louise S. Grinstein & Paul J. Campbell (eds.), Women of Mathematics: A Biobibliographic Sourcebook (New York/Westport, Conn./London, Greenwood Press, 1987), 80-85.

"The Heritage of S. A. Janovskaja", History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (1987), 45-56.

"Russell's Earliest Interpretation of Cantorian Set Theory, 1896-1900", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 1-31.

"Bertrand Russell's Theory of Numbers, 1896-1898", Epistemologia 10 (1987), 303-322.

"Russell and Engels: Two Approaches to a Hegelian Philosophy of Mathematics", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 3 (1987), 151-179.

"Bibliografía de Jean van Heijenoort", Mathesis 3 (1987), 85-88.

"Some Unpublished Papers of Jean van Heijenoort", Historia Mathematica 15 (1988), 270-274.

"Distortions and Discontinuities in Mathematical Progress: a matter of style, a matter of luck, a matter of time, ... a matter of fact", Philosophica 43 (1989), 163-196.

"La obra de Jean van Heijenoort en el campo de la lógica: sus aporttaciones a la teoría de la demonstración", Mathesis 5 (1989), 353-370.

"The Roots of Mathematics Education in Russia in the Age of Peter the Great", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 5 (1990), 23-55.

"From Semantic Tableaux to Smullyan Trees: A History of the Development of the Falsifiability Tree Method", Modern Logic 1 (1990), 36-69; 263.

"Schröder Material at the Russell Archives", Modern Logic 1 (1990-1991), 237-247.

"Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986)", in Thomas Drucker (ed.), Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic (Boston/Basel/Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1991), xiii-xiv.

"The First Russell Paradox", in Thomas Drucker (ed.), Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic (Boston/Basel/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1991), 33-46.

"The Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem, Theories of Quantification, and Proof Theory", in Thomas Drucker (ed.), Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic (Boston/Basel/Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1991), 71-83.

(with Nathan Houser), "The Nineteenth Century Roots of Universal Algebra and Algebraic Logic", in Hajnal Andréka, James Donald Monk, István Németi (eds.), Colloquia Mathematica Societis János Bolyai 54. Algebraic Logic, Budapest (Hungary), 1988 (Amsterdam/London/New York: North-Holland, 1991), 1-36.

"Forty Years of "Unnatural" Natural Deduction and Quantification: A History of First-order Systems of Natural Deduction, from Gentzen to Copi", Modern Logic 2 (1991), 113-152.

"Theology against Logic: The Origins of Logic in Old Russia", History and Philosophy of Logic 13 (1992), 15-42. (On-line abstract: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a776178711~db=all~order=page.)

"A Sketch of Jean van Heijenoort's View of the History of Modern Logic: Introduction to an Unpublished Paper", Modern Logic 2 (1992), 239-241.

"Jean van Heijenoort's Contributions to Proof Theory and Its History", Modern Logic 2 (1992), 312-335.

"Editorial: On the Selection and Use of Sources in the History of Logic", Modern Logic 3 (1992), 1-17.

"Joon Fang of Jaean — A Retrospective", Modern Logic 3 (1993), 145-155.

"La geometría en Rusia durante el siglo XVII y principios del XVIII", Mathesis 12 (1992), 345-363.

"Logic and Mathematics in the Library of Casimir Lewy", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 286-298.

"Non-euclidean Geometry in the Pre-Principia Development of Russell's Logical Program, from An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897) to "The Axioms of Geometry" (1899)", in A. P. Shirokov (editor), In Memoriam N. I. Lobachevskii, vol. III, pt. 2. Collection des mémoires présentés par les savants de divers pays à la Société Physico-Mathématique de Kazan à l'occasion de la célébration du bicentenaire de N. I. Lobatcheffsky (Kazan, Izdat. Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1995), 104-115.

(with Thomas L. Drucker, Nathan Houser, Volker Peckhaus, and Christian Thiel), "Studies in the Nineteenth-century History of Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra: A Secondary Bibliography", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 1-120.

"Editorial: The Scholarly and Critical Edition (in History of Logic): Historiographical Reflections on Its Nature and Purpose, or, How to Read and Review a Scholarly and Critical Edition", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 173-183.

"Peirce Rustled, Russell Pierced: How Charles Peirce and Bertrand Russell Viewed Each Other's Work in Logic, and an Assessment of Russell's Accuracy and Role in the Historiography of Logic", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 270-328; electronic version at: http://www.cspeirce.com/menu/library/aboutcsp/anellis/csp&br.htm.

"Sof'ya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya's Contributions to Logic and History of Logic", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 7-36.

"John Vincent Atanasoff — His Place in the History of Computer Logic and Technology", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 1-24.

"Geometry in Russia in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries", in Douglas E. Cameron & James D. Wine (eds.), Proceedings of the Midwest Mathematics History Conferences, Vol. 1: Proceedings of the Fourth Midwest Conference on The History of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, October, 2-3, 1992 (Ames, Iowa: Modern Logic Publishing, MLP Books, 1997), 3-25.

"Tarski's Development of Peirce's Logic of Relations", in Nathan Houser, Don D. Roberts, James W. Van Evra (eds.), Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce (Indianapolis/Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997), 271-303.

"Thomas Anderson Goudge and the Introduction of Symbolic Logic at the University of Toronto", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 225-232.

"A Personal Retrospective on the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Evelyn M. Nelson, 1943-1987", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 268-271.

"Leon Trotsky on Mathematics and Logic", Povolzhskii zhurnal po filosofii i sotsial'nym naukam [Volga Journal of Philosophy and Social Science] (no. 5; 10.07.99); 14pp., http://www.ssu.samara.ru/research/philosophy/Articles.asp?Article%20ID%20=12691, and §§0-5, Povolzhskii zhurnal po filosofii i sotsial'nym naukam, http://www.oldssu. samara.ru/research/philosophy/journal3/2ml [these web pages no longer available] (see also: [Marxism-Thaxis] Irving Anellis on "Leon Trotsky on Mathematics and Logic", Jim Farmelant, http://lists.econ.utah.edu/pipermail/marxism-thaxis/2002-October/017767.html; [Marxism-Thaxis] Ralph Dumain on "Trotsky, Van Heijenoort, Anellis", Jim Farmelant, http://lists.econ.utah.edu/pipermail/marxism-thaxis/2002-October/017771.html)

"The Genesis of the Truth-table Device", Russell (n.s.) 24 (Summer 2004), 55-70;

on-line abstract: http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/russelljournal/vol24/iss1/5/.

"Ernest and Anellis Up a Tree", Review of Modern Logic 9:3/4 (2001-2004), 7-20.

"Bahm, Archie John (1907-1966)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 111, col. 1-p.112, col. 2.

(with John R. Shook), "Charles Augustus Baylis (1902-1975)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 157, col. 1-p. 158, col. 1.

"Benjamin, Abram Cornelius (1897-1968)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 194, col. 1-p. 195, col. 1.

(with John R. Shook), "Bentley, Arthur Fisher (1870-1957)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 203, col. 2-p. 205, col. 1.

"Bergmann, Gustav (1906-1987)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C. p. 209, col. 1-p. 212, col. 1.

"Birkhoff, Garrett (1911-1996), in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C. p. 231, col. 1-p. 232, col. 1.

"Brown, Harold Chapman (1879-1943)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 355, col. 1-p. 356, col. 2.

"Churchman, Charles West (1913-2004)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 494, col. 1-p. 497, col. 1.

"Copi, Irving M. (1917-2002)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 542, col. 2-p. 454, col. 1.

(with John R. Shook), "Craig, William (1918-)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 1: A-C, p. 548, col. 1-p, 549, col. 1.

"De Laguna, Theodore de Leo (1876-1930)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 608, col. 1-p. 609, col. 1.

"Feferman, Solomon (1928-)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 752, col. 2-p. 753, col. 2.

"Fiske, John (1842-1901)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 795, col. 1-p. 799, col. 2.

"Fitch, Frederic Brenton (1909-1987)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 799, col. 2-p. 802, col. 1.

"Henle, Paul (1908-1962)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 1091, coll. 1-2.

"Huntington, Edward V. (1874-1952)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 2: D-J, p. 1196, col. 1-p. 1197, col. 2.

"Kemeny, John George (1926-1992)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1294, col. 1-p. 1295, col. 1.

"Keyser, Cassisus Jackson (1862-1947)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1296, col. 1-p. 1297, col. 2.

"Korzybski, Alfred Vladislavovich Habdank Skarbek (1879-1950)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), col. 3: K-Q, p. 1351, col. 1-p. 1352, col. 2.

"Koyré, Alexandre (1892-1964)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1352, col. 2-p. 1354, col. 1.

"Kreisel, Georg (1923-)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1355, col. 2-p. 1359, col. 2.

"Marquand, Allan (1853-1924)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1623, col. 2-p. 1625, col. 1.

"Martin, Richard Milton (1916-1985)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1628, col. 2-p. 1650, col. 1.

"Nagel, Ernest (1901-1985)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 17687, col. 1-p. 1790, col. 2.

(with John R. Shook), "Nelson, Everett John (1900-1988)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1807, col. 2-p. 1808, col. 2.

"Parry, William Tuthill (1908-1988)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1869, col. 1-p. 1807, col. 2.

"Post, Emil Leon (1897-1954)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 3: K-Q, p. 1951, col. 2-p. 1955, col. 1.

"Sheffer, Henry Maurice (1882-1964)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2202, col. 2-p. 2005, col. 1.

"Smart, Harold Robert (1892-1979)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2241, col. 2-p. 2242, col. 2.

"Smith, Henry Bradford (1882-1938)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2250, col. 1-p. 2251, col. 2.

"Smullyan, Arthur Francis (1912-1998)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2267, col. 1-p. 2268, col. 1.

"Sommers, Frederic Tamler (1923-)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2281, col. 2-p. 2283, col. 1.

"Suppes, Patrick Colonel (1922-)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2357, col. 2-p. 2359, col. 2.

"Tarski, Alfred (1901-1983)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2380, col. 1-p. 2384, col. 1.

(with John R. Shook), "Ushenko, Andrew Paul (1900-1956)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2468, col. 2-p. 2470, col. 1.

"van Heijenoort, Jean (1912-1986)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2476, col. 1-p. 2479, col. 1.

"Veblen, Oswald (1880-1960)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. 4: R-Z, p. 2480, col. 2-p. 2481, col. 2.

"Wang, Hao (1921-1995)", in John R. Shook (ed.), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960 (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2005), vol. R-Z, p. 2508, col. 1-p. 2512, col. 2.

"Some Views of Russell and Russell's Logic by His Contemporaries", Review of Modern Logic 10:1/2 (2004-2005), 67-97; electronic version: "Some Views of

Russell and Russell's Logic by His Contemporaries, with Particular Reference to Peirce", http://www.cspeirce.com/menu/library/aboutcsp/anellis/views.pdf.

"Gödel and the Naming of the Skolem Function", in V. I. Kobzar’, A. I. Migunov, Ya. A. Slinin, & B. I. Fedorov (eds.), Sovremennaya logika: problemy teorii, istorii i primenenia v nauke. Materialy IX Obshche rossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii 22-24 iunya, 2006 g. (Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo Sankt Peterburgskii universitet, 2006), 410-413.

"The Rise of Modern Logic: From Leibniz to Frege. Review-Essay of Handbook of the History of Logic, Volume 3, Review of Modern Logic 10:3/4 (2005-2007), 13-90.

"The Reorientation of the Russian Mathematical Mentality in the Age of Peter the Great", History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter, no. 66 (November 2007), 14-18; http://www.clab.edu.uoc.gr/hpm/.

(Claus-Peter Wirth, Jörg Siekmann, Christoph Benzmüller, Serge Autexier, with the assistance of Irving H. Anellis, Paolo Bussotti, Lawrence C. Paulson), "Jacques Herbrand: Life, Logic, and Automated Deduction", in Dov M. Gabbay & John Woods (editors), Handbook of the History of Logic; forthcoming.

Reviews, Abstracts, Reports, Notes:

"Ontological Commitment in Ideal Languages: Semantic Interpretations for Logical Positivism", Dissertation Abstracts International 38A (1977), 2839-2840.

"Universality in Frege's Begriffsschrift: Ontological Commitment in Mathematical Logic"; mimeo ts., 1p., Feb. 1978.

"An Inconsistency in Peano Arithmetic (PA), Demonstrated by a Relative Consistency Proof using Presburger Arithmetic (P*A). Preliminary report", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 25 (1978), A666-667.

"A Second-order Functional Calculus C(ST). Preliminary report", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 25 (1978), A715.

"The Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem, Theories of Quantification, and Beweistheorie", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A22.

"A Quantum Logic C(QM╞ C(ST). Preliminary report", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A223.

"A Classical Technique for Description of Quantal States", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A277.

Review of Arto Salomma and Matti Soittola, Automata-theoretic Aspects of Formal Power Series, Cognition and Brain Theory 3 (1979), 17.

"Conjecture on Gödel Incompleteness and Countable Models", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A441.

"Conjecture on Gödel Incompleteness and Countable Models"; (mimeo; May 1979).

"More on the Conjecture on Gödel Incompleteness and Countable Models", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A527.

"A New Proof for the Strong Version of the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem. Preliminary report", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A6.

Review of David C. Rine (ed.), Computer Science and Multiple-Valued Logic: Theory and Applications, Cognition and Brain Theory 3 (1980), 116.

"Integer-representability of Gödel Incompleteness", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 1 (1980), 198.

"Proof-theoretic Gödel Incompleteness for Z*", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 1 (1980), 389-390.

Review of J. A. Robinson, Logic: Form and Function, Cognition and Brain Theory 4 (1981), 191-193.

"Boolean Groups", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 2 (1981), 427.

"Logic Trees" (mimeo; Nov. 1981).

"Some Theorems for Boolean Groups", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 3 (1982), 36; 394.

"Extension of a Boolean Group", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 3 (1982), 256.

"Quasipotent Boolean Z-groups", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 3 (1982), 287.

"Reply to a Problem of S. Lee", Canadian Mathematical Society Abstracts (1982), 1-2.

"Structure of Quasipotent Boolean Z-groups", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 3 (1982), 329.

"The Divisible Torsion-free Abelian Group has a Model in the Infinitary Universal Algebra W*", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 3 (1982), 592.

Review of B. V. Birjukov and A. G. Spirkin (eds.), Kibernetika i Logika, Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (1982), 171-181.

"The Set of Recursive Ordinals is Decidable", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 4 (1983), 5

"The Limaye Conjecture on Banach Spaces and the Axiom of Choice", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 4 (1983), 298-299.

"Russell on Cantor, 1896-1897", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 4 (1983), 385.

"Response to a Query of J. P. Van Bendegem Concerning A. S. Esenin-Vol'pin, Query #271", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 30 (1983), 491.

Review of A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov & M. A. Lavrent'ev (eds.), Matematika: ee soderzanie, metody, i znachenie, and English translation, Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning (transl. T. Bartha, S. H. Gould & K. Hirsh), Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1983), 233-241.

"Constructive Analysis is Non-Hausdorff", Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1983), 903-904.

"Bertrand Russell's Earliest Reactions to Cantorian Set Theory. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 4

(1983), 531.

"Conjecture on Gödel Incompleteness and Countable Models: Herbrand Symposium", Journal of Symbolic Logic 48(1983), 1210.

"Formal Arithmetic and the Definition of Number", Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1983), 1233-1234;

(pdf version: http://www.global-supercomputing.com/people/kemal.ebcioglu/pdf/Case-Ebcioglu-Fulk-1983.pdf;

html version:

"Russell's Earliest Reactions to Cantorian Set Theory, 1896-1900", Zentralblatt für Mathematik 521(1984), #01010, 11-12.

"Letter to the Editor: Axiom of Choice", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 31 (1984), 17.

"Russell on Cantor: An Early Version of the Russell paradox? Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 5 (1984), 128.

"Poretskii's Proof of Vailati's Theorem", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 5 (1984), 259.

"Boolean Groups and Boolean Z-groups", in Stephen D. Comer (ed.), Abstracts, Conference on Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory, Charleston, July 11-14, 1984, 2.

"The First Russell Paradox", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 6 (1985), 11.

"The First Russell Paradox", Historia Mathematica 12 (1985), 380. (reprinted from previous)

"The Tarski Algorithm for ORD", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 6 (1985), 134.

"A New Proof for the Strong Version of the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem", Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1985), 281-282.

"The Heritage of S. A. Janovskaja. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 7 (1986), 3.

"The Heritage of S. A. Janovskaja" , in J. D. Wine (ed.), Abstracts, Math-History Conference, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, April 1, 1986, 1.

"The Heritage of S. A. Janovskaja", Abstracts, Canadian Society for History & Philosophy of Mathematics, Annual Meeting, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, May 26-28, 1986, 3-4.

"The Heritage of S. A. Janovskaja", Philosopher's Index 21, no. 4 (Winter 1987), 93.

"A Minor Mystery Solved: Russell's 'On Number'", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 7 (1986), 171.

"The Picture-theoretic Semantic for Principia-like Formal Systems", Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1986), 481-482.

"Bertrand Russell's Theory of Numbers, 1894-1898", Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1986), 509-510.

"Bonasoni and the History of Analytic Geometry, I. Bonasoni's Geometrical Algebra", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 7 (1986), 367.

Notes and commentary to A. G. Barabashev, "Philosophy of mathematics in the USSR, Part I: General overview", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 1 (1986), 26-34.

"Obituary: Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986)", History and Philosophy of Logic 7 (1986), 121.

"Obituary: Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986)", Bulletin of the Canadian Society for History & Philosophy of Mathematics, no. 1 (Nov. 1986), 6.

"In Remembrance of Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986)", Historia Mathematica 14 (1987), 76.

"Necrologia: Jean van Heijenoort", Notizie di Logica 5, no. 3 (1986), 12.

"Bonasoni and the History of Analytic Geometry, II. Bonasoni, Precursor to Descartes", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 8 (1987), 136.

"The Protohistory of Metalogic. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 8 (1987), 254.

"Jean van Heijenoort as a Logician — in Memory of Jean van Heijenoort, 1912-1986", Abstracts, Canadian Society for History & Philosophy of Mathematics, 13th Annual Meeting, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, May 25-27, 1987, Programme; abstract #2, 2.

"Jean van Heijenoort as a Logician — in Memory of Jean van Heijenoort, 1912-1986", in James D. Wine (ed.), 2nd University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Math-History Conference, 21 April 1988, 1 (reprint of the previous).

"Jean van Heijenoort as a Logician — in Memory of Jean van Heijenoort, 1912-1986", in Stephen D. Comer (ed.), Third Southeastern Logic Symposium, Abstracts, Charleston, March 7, 1987, 3-4; (reprint, with revisions, of the previous).

"Jean van Heijenoort as a Logician — in Memory of Jean van Heijenoort, 1912-1986", Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1988), 1005 (reprinted, with further revisions, of the previous).

"Jean van Heijenoort como logico — en memoria de Jean van Heijenoort, 1912-1986", Mathesis 3 (1987), 332.

"Jean van Heijenoort as a Logician", Bulletin of the Multiple-Valued Logic Technical Committee 8, no. 2 (Spring 1987), abstract no. 4, p. 11-12.

"Mathematical Hegelianism? Russell and Engels on Philosophy of Mathematics", Abstracts, Canadian Society for History& Philosophy of Mathematics, 13th Annual Meeting, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 25-27, 1987, Programme; abstract #3, 4.

"¿Hegelianismo matematico? Russell y Engels sobre filosofia de las matematicas", Mathesis 3 (1987), 329.

"History of Mathematical Logic in the Soviet Union, 1917-1980 (announcement of a project)", Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1987), 883-884.

"Mathematical Logic in the Soviet Union, 1917-1980", Historia Mathematica 14 (1987), 285-287.

"Mathematical Logic in the Soviet Union, 1917-1980", History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (1987), 71-76 (extensively revised and expanded, from the previous).

"Constructive Automata and Semigroup Theory. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 8 (1987), 338.

Review of Algebra Geometrica by Paolo Bonasoni, edited and translated by Robert Schmidt, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 110-116.

Review of Morris Kline, Mathematics, the Loss of Certainty, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 117.

Review of Paul R. Halmos, I Want To Be a Mathematician: An Automathography, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 117-118.

Review of Gottlob Frege, Posthumous Writings, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 118.

Review of Gottlob Frege, Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 118-119.

Review of Jacques Stern (ed.), Proceedings of the Herbrand Symposium, Logic Colloquium '81, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 119.

Review of Per Martin-Löf, Intuitionistic Type Theory, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 119-120.

Review of Zermelo's Axiom of Choice: Its Origins, Development, and Influence, by Gregory H. Moore, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 120.

Review of Herman Rubin and Jean E. Rubin, Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice, II, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 120-121.

Review of Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size, by Michael Hallett, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 122.

Review of Foundations of Constructive Mathematics, by Michael J. Beeson, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 122.

"[Report on] The Conference on the History of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, April 1, 1986", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 123-125.

"Report on the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics", Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 211-223.

"The Logico-linguistic Turn — Russell's Revolution in Philosophy: A Review of John G. Slater (ed.), Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays, 1914-19", Russell Society News, no. 57 (February 1988), 22-24.

"The Logico-linguistic Turn — Russell's Revolution in Philosophy: A Review of John G. Slater (ed.), Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays, 1914-19", Russell (n.s.) 7, no. 2 (Winter 1987-88), 101-102. (excerpted from previous)

"Son of Bonasoni" in Hindsight, no. 2 (1988), 40.

"The Abian Paradox", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 9 (1988), 6; "Correction", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 9 (1988), 203.

"The Nineteenth Century Roots of Universal Algebra and Algebraic Logic", Canadian Society for History &Philosophy of Mathematics 14th Annual Meeting, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, 29-30 May 1988, Programme, abstract #2, 3-4.

(with Nathan Houser), "The Nineteenth Century Roots of Universal Algebra and Algebraic Logic: A Critical-bibliographical Guide for the Contemporary Logician", in I. Németi (ed.), Abstracts, Conference on Algebraic Logic , August 8-14, 1988, Budapest, Hungary (Budapest, J. Bolyai Math. Soc., 1988), 1.

"A History of Logic Trees", Canadian Society for History & Philosophy of Mathematics 14th Annual Meeting, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, 29-30 May 1988, Programme, abstract #3, 4.

"Maslov's Inverse Method and its Applications to Programming Logic", Iowa State University Conference on Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra in Computer Science, 1-4 June 1988, Ames, Iowa, Abstracts, 2.

Review of The Interpretation of Frege's Philosophy, by Michael Dummett, American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy (June 1988), 18-19.

(with Fred Seddon), "Stringy Lattices. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 9 (1988), 273.

"A consumer-friendly Calculus Course. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 9 (1988), 276.

(with Nathan Houser), "Some Evaluations of C. S. Peirce's Contributions to Algebraic Logic. Preliminary report", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 9 (1988), 284.

"Jean van Heijenoort's Contributions to Intuitionistic Logic", Summer School & Conference on Mathematical Logic honourably dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Arend Heyting, September13-23, 1988, Chaika (near Varna), Bulgaria, Abstracts (Sofia, Izdat. s Pechatitsa na Bulgar. Akad. Nauka, 1988), 6.

"Bertrand Russell's Theory of Numbers, 1896-1898", Philosopher's Index 22, no. 3 (Fall 1988), 98.

Review of Glenn J. Satty, Thomas J. Blakeley & James G. Colbert, Computing and Logic, Mathematics and Language, Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 88 (no. 3, Spring 1989), 119-121.

"Before Euler: The Roots of Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Russia in the Age of Peter the Great", Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 11 (1990), 3.

"The Roots of Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Russia in the Age of Peter the Great", Iowa Section MAA Newsletter 4 (no. 2, March 1990), 9.

Notice of Geoffrey Howson, "Applications in the History of Mathematics Teaching," History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter no. 20 (July 1990), 12.

"Letter Re: Watling's Review of Russell's Cambridge Essays", Russell Society News (no. 67, August 1990), 26.

"The Abian Paradox and the Proper Ancestral Paradox", Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1990), 443-444.

Review of Elementary Symbolic Logic by William Gustason & Dolph E. Ulrich, American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 90 (no. 3, Fall 1991), 74-75.

"Introducing Modern Logic", Modern Logic 1 (1990), 1-2.

"Editor's Note: A History of Logic Trees", Modern Logic 1 (1990), 22-24.

"In Memoriam — Steven Orey", Modern Logic 1 (1991), 105. (signed "Editor")

"Varia: Russell on Understanding the Principia — A Little-known Source", Modern Logic 1 (1991), 200.

"William P. Hanf", Modern Logic 1 (1991), 353.

(compiler), "Hanf's Bibliography", Modern Logic 1 (1991), 354.

"In Memoriam: Robert R. Stoll", Modern Logic 1 (1991), 359. (signed "Editor")

"Editor's Note: Burgin and the Theory of Named Sets", Modern Logic 2 (1991), 1-2.

"Kant, Axiomatics, Logic and Geometry: Review of Immanuel Kant, 'Logic'", Modern Logic 2 (1991), 77-103.

Review of Logic by Richard Baum, American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 90 (no. 3, Fall 1991), 75-77.

Review of Mary Tiles, The Philosophy of Set Theory, Isis 82 (1991), 173-174.

"Editor's Introduction, Special issue on Jean van Heijenoort", Modern Logic 2 (1992), 225-226.

Review of Jean van Heijenoort, El desarrollo de la teoría de la cuantificación, Modern Logic 2 (1992), 338-341.

"New Russian Work on Russell: Review of A. S. Kolesnikov, Filosofiya Bertrana Rasela", Russell 12 (no. 1, Summer 1992), 105-111.

Review of Mary Tiles, The Philosophy of Set Theory: A Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise, Modern Logic 2 (1992), 392-404.

Review of The Peirce Edition Project, Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A chronological edition, volumes I-IV, Modern Logic 3 (1992), 77-92.

(with Thomas Drucker), "In Memoriam — William C. Kneale", Modern Logic 3 (1993), 158-160.

"In Memoriam — George Frederick James Temple", Modern Logic 3 (1993), 161-163. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam — Richard S. Pierce (1927-1992)", Modern Logic 3 (1993), 163-164. (signed "Editor")

Review of Jean-Louis Lassez and Gordon Plotkin (editors), Computational Logic: Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson, Modern Logic 3 (1993), 169-173.

Review of Bertrand Russell, Philosophical Papers 1896-99, edited by Nicholas Griffin and Albert C. Lewis. Volume 2 of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Modern Logic 3 (1993), 192-200.

Review of Patrick J. Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, Modern Logic 3 (1993), 320-321.

"Editorial, Special issue on Frege", Modern Logic 3 (1993), 326-330.

Review of A Peircean Reduction Thesis: The Foundations of Topological Logic by Robert W. Burch, Modern Logic 3(1993), 401-406.

"In Memoriam — Glenn Clark, Alan H. Mekler, John G. Kemeny, Max Zorn, F. A. Medvedev, Hiu Fai ("Hilfrid") Chau, A. P. Yushkevich, Friedrich Kaulbach, and Paul Arthur Schilpp", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 79-83. (signed "Editor")

Review of Katalin G. Havas, Thought, Language and Reality in Logic, Modern Logic 4 (1994), 102-105.

"Translator's Introduction: Father Pavel Florenskij", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 157-161.

"Memories of Medvedev — A kind and gentle bear", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 196-206.

"Formal Logic and Dialectical-materialism in the Soviet Union: Review of Fania Cavaliere, La logica formale in Unione Sovietica: Gli anni del dibattito, 1946-1965 and A. R. D. Mathias, "Logic and Terror"", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 210-218.

Review of Luciano Pennino, La logica simbolica nella produzione scientifica in lingua russa (1961-1983), Modern Logic 4 (1994), 218-219.

"Grigorii Mints on Proof Theory in the USSR, 1925-1969", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 220-226.

Review of Alexandra Getmanova, Logic, A. Ivin, Po zakonam logiki, and A. Getmanova, M. Panov & V. Petrov, Logic Made Simple: A Dictionary, Modern Logic 4 (1994), 226-233.

"In Memoriam — Stephen Cole Kleene, Đjuro Kurepa, Roberto Magari, and Vincent G. Potter", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 281-283. (signed "Editor")

"Preserving the Church and Bernays Typescripts: A Case Study", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 299-302. (signed "Henry Kormin")

"Grandfather of Fuzzy Logic?", Modern Logic 4 (1994), 304-305.

Review of Bertrand Russell, Logical and Philosophical Papers, 1909-13, edited by John G. Slater with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann, vol. 6 of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Modern Logic 4 (1994), 432-439.

Review of A. G. Barabashev, Budushchee matematiki: Metodologicheskie aspekty prognozirovaniya, Modern Logic 4 (1994), 439-446.

Review of Morris R. Cohen & Ernest Nagel, An Introduction to Logic, second edition, with an "Editor's Preface" and "Editor's Introduction" by John Corcoran, Modern Logic 4 (1994), 446-449.

Review of Fania Cavaliere, La logica formale in Unione Sovietica: Gli anni del dibattito, 1946-1965, Studies in East European Thought 46 (1994), 316-320.

Review of Nicholas Griffin (editor), The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, volume I: The Private Years, 1884-1914, Modern Logic 5 (1995), 214-219.

"In Memoriam — Rapahael Mitchel Robinson (1911-1995)", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 329. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam — Hao Wang (1921-1995)", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 329-337. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam — Christopher John Ash", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 337. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam — John Vincent Atansoff (1903-1995)", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 337. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam — Alonzo Church (1903-1995)", Modern Logic 5 (1995), 408-410. (signed "Editor")

Review of Bart Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic and Daniel McNeill and Paul Freiberger, Fuzzy Logic, Modern Logic 5 (1995), 434-441.

"Editorial: In Celebration of the Centenary of the Birth of Sof'ya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 1-2.

"Yanovskaya's 'Ghost' [photo-essay]", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 77-84.

"In Memoriam — Robin O. Gandy (1919-1995) and Alfred L. Foster (1904-1995)", Modern Logic 6 (1966), 85-87. (signed" Editor")

Review of Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, Skiczez Historii Logiki ogólnej, Modern Logic 6 (1996), 112-113.

"In Memoriam — Józef Maria Bocheński (1902-1995)", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 192-196. (signed "Editor")

Review of Grigorii E. Mints, Selected Papers in Proof Theory, Modern Logic 6 (1996), 227-231.

"In Memoriam — George S. Boolos", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 304-310. (signed "Editor")

"Reply to Query: How Old is First-order Logic?", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 313-314.

"Editor's Note", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 355-356.

Review of Katalin G. Havas, Thought, Language and Reality in Logic, Studies in East European Thought 49 (1997), 79-80.

"In Memoriam — Garrett Birkhoff, Thomas Tymoczko, Paul Erdös (1913-1996), Richard Sylvan", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 81-85. (signed "Editor")

"In Memoriam: Bruno von Freytag-Löringhoff (1912-1996)", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 188-189. (signed "Editor")

Review of Leon Henkin, "The Discovery of My Completeness Proofs", Modern Logic 7 (1997), 373-379.

Review of Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude, 1872-1921, Modern Logic 7 (1997), 420-434.

"Spitzfindigkeit — from Bocheński to Yanovskaya and van Heijenoort"; abstract, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (1998), 438.

"Why Historians and Philosophers of Logic Should Care About Losskii's History of Russian Philosophy", Povolzhskii zhurnal po filosofii i sotsial'nym naukam (1999), http://old.ssu.samara.ru/research/philosophy/review/rev1.asp [this web page no longer available]

Review of William Minto, Deduktivnayai induktivnaya logik, Povolzhskii zhurnal po filosofii i sotsial'nym naukam(1999), http://old.ssu.samara.ru/research/ philosophy/review/rev2.asp [this web page no longer available]

Review of Bertrand Russell, Towards the "Principles of Mathematics", 1900-02 and "Foundations of Logic", 1903-05, Review of Modern Logic 8/3-4 (2000-2001), 57-94.

Review of Douglas M. Jesseph, Berkeley's Philosophy of Mathematics, Review of Modern Logic 8/3-4 (2000-2001), 95-98.

Review of Geraldine Brady, From Peirce to Skolem: A Neglected Chapter in the History of Logic, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (2004), 349-359.

Review of Anita Burdman Feferman & Solomon Feferman, Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics Bulletin (no. 36, May 2005), 7-9.

Review of Anita Burdman Feferman & Solomon Feferman, Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic, Review of Modern Logic; 10:1/2 (2004-2005), 117-129.

"Cantor's Paradise or Piaget's Playground?", Filosofiya matematiki: aktual'nye problemy (Moscow: Moscow State University, 2007); http://www.philos.msu.ru/fac/dep/scient/confdpt/2007/theses/index.html; http://www.philos.msu.ru/fac/dep/scient/confdpt/2007/theses/Anellis.pdf

Review of Dov M. Gabbay & John Woods (editors), Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 1: Greek, Indian and Arabic Logic, Review of Modern Logic 10:3/4 (2005-2007), 117-141.

Review of Olga Arkadevna Antonova, Aleksei Sergeevich Miloslavov, & T. E. Sokhor, (author-compilers), Logika. Biobibliograficheskii spravochnik (Rossiya-SSSR-Rossiya), Review of Modern Logic 10:3/4 (2005-2007), 143-147.

Review of Zia Movahed, "Ibn-Sina's Anticipations of the Formulas of Buridan and Barcan"; forthcoming, Review of Modern Logic.

Review of Gaisi Takeuti, "Incompleteness Theorem and Its Frontier"; forthcoming, Review of Modern Logic.

Review of Philippe De Rouilhan, "Russell's Logic"; forthcoming, Review of Modern Logic.

Plus numerous abstract reviews in Historia Mathematica, and Bibliographic Not[ic]es, Modern Logic 3 (1992-1993), 54, 167-168, 308, 385-386; 4 (1994), 86, 209, 408-409; 5 (1995), 171-172, 340, 415-420; 6 (1996), 94-99, 210-215, 318-321, 410-412, 7 (1997), 88-89, 192-196; 365-366.

Edited work:

(editor), Jean van Heijenoort, "Historical Development of Modern Logic", Modern Logic 2 (1992), 242-255.

(editor, with "Publisher's Preface" and "Editor's Annotations"), Alois Riehl, "Die Englische Logik der Gegenwart, mit besonderer Berücksichtung von W. S. Jevons", Fort Dodge, Iowa: Peirce Publishing, 2006.

(editor, with "Preface" and "Textual Notes and Annotations"), Ernst Schröder, "On Pasigraphy: Its Present State and the Pasigraphic Movement in Italy", Fort Dodge, Iowa: Peirce Publishing, 2006.

(compiler), An Annotated Bibliography of Western-Language (Mainly English) Sources on the History of Formal Logic in Russia

Psychology, philosophy of mind, AI and cognitive science, mental health:

"Report on the American Mathematical Society Special Session on Some Aspects of the Biology and Mathematics of Neural Modeling", SISTM Quarterly-Brain Theory Newsletter 2 (1978), 4-5.

Review of P. N. Johnson-Laird and P. C. Wason (editors), Thinking: Readings in Cognitive Science, SISTM Quarterly/Brain Theory Newsletter II (no. 2, Winter, 1978), 34.

Review of Margaret A. Boden, Purposive Explanation in Psychology, System Quarterly/Brain Theory Newsletter II (no. 2, Winter, 1978), 34-35.

"Catastrophe Theory and Behavior", SISTM Quarterly-Brain Theory Newsletter 2 (1978), 37-38.

"Mental Acts" (mimeo; February 7, 1 979).

(with Gary D. Seiler), "Practical Considerations in a Multisensory Theory of Perception", Journal of the Association for the Study of Perception 14 (1979), 8-16;

on-line abstract: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_


Review of Edmund Ions, Against Behaviouralism: A Critique of Behavioural Science, Cognition and Brain Theory II (no. 3, Spring 1979), 11.

"The Intentional Logic L(I)", Notices of the American Mathematical Society 26 (1979), A368.

Review of Stephen N. Thomas, The Formal Mechanics of Mind, Cognition and Brain Theory 3 (1979), 15-17.

(with Gary D. Seiler), "Practical Considerations in a Multisensory Theory of Perception"; abstract, Cognition and Brain Theory III (no. 1, Fall 1979), 9.

Review of P. Hajek and T. Havranek, Mechanizing Hypothesis Formation, Cognition and Brain Theory 3 (1980), 116.

Review of C. Wade Savage (editor), Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology, Cognition and Brain Theory III (no. 3, Spring 1980), 118-120.

"Lattice Structures, Maximal Rectangular Neural Nets, and Appearances: The Algebraic Expansion Model of the Intentional Logic L(I)", Abstracts Presented to the American Mathematical Society 2(1981), 383-384.

"Lattice Structures, Maximal Rectangular Neural Nets, and Appearances: The Algebraic Expansion Model of the Intentional Logic L(I)", Communication & Cognition 8 (1985) 339-413.

Review of Alan Bundy, The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning, Philosophia Mathematica (2) 2 (1987), 122.

"From My Vantage Point: John Nash (1928-): The Man, the Mathematician, the Movie, the Book," Part 1, Webster County Disabilities Alliance Recorder 5, no. 3 (August 2005), 3; Part 2, Webster County Disabilities Alliance Recorder 5, no. 4 (January 2006), 4; http://360.yahoo.com/phaneroscopy

Letter to the Editor: "Healthy Mind Key to Long Life", The Fort Dodge Messenger, June 3, 2006, p. 4A.

"Hey, We're Deaf, Not STUPID!", http://360.yahoo.com/phaneroscopy.

"December 7 2005 - A Date Which Will Live in Infamy ; or, Don't Leave Home without your Trazadone"; http://360.yahoo.com/phaneroscopy.

"Summary and Analysis of "An Active Mind Is the Key to Longevity""; http://360.yahoo.com/phaneroscopy.

General philosophy, Soviet philosophy; history of science:

"Theodicy: Divine Utilitarianism", American Rationalist 22 (1977), 3-6.

"David B. Zilberman, 1938-1977", Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 51 (no. 5, 1978), 585-586.

"The Life and Thought of David B. Zilberman", Studies in Soviet Thought 20 (1979), 165-175.

Review of V. N. Borjaz, Metodologičeskie seminary: Predopsylki, faktory i etapy razvitija, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1982), 59-62.

Review of Metodologija i metodika kritiki sovremennoj buržuaznoj filosofii i sociologii, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1982), 62-65.

Review of Roslyn Wallach Bologh, Dialectical Phenomenology: Marx's Method, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1982), 65-71.

Review of Angelina Vasil'evna Vasil'eva, Evoljucija panteizma i ego rol' v sovremennyx religiozno-filosofskix konceptcijax, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1982), 181-184.

Review of Vladimir Ivanovič Vernadskij, Živoe veščestvo, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1982), 184-186.

"Science and Diamat", Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1983), 11-22.

Review of Predag M. Grujič, Čičerin, Plechanov und Lenin: Studien zur Geschichte des Hegelianismus in Russland, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 341-344.

Russian and Soviet history and culture:

Review of Jean van Heijenoort, With Trotsky in Exile: From Prinkipo to Coyoacán, Studies in Soviet Thought 20 (1979), 391-396.

Review of Leonard D. Gerson, The Secret Police in Lenin's Russia, Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (1982), 168-170.

Review of Leo Okinshevich, U.S. History and Historiography in Post-War Soviet Writings: A Bibliography, Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (1982), 170-172.

Review of Xenia Gasiorowska, The Image of Peter the Great in Russian Fiction, Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (1982), 172-177.

Review of E. C. Barksdale, Daggers of the Mind: Structuralism and Neuropsychology in an Exploration of the Russian Literary Imagination, Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1983), 23-28.

Review of T. R. N. Edwards, Three Russian Writers and the Irrational: Zamyatin, Pil'nyak, and Bulgakov, Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1983), 227-232.

Review of Edward H. Carr, The Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929, vol. 3, Part 3, Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (1983), 241-246.

Review of David R. Egan and Melinda A. Egan, with the assistance of Julie Anne Genthner, V. I. Lenin: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Sources to 1980, Studies in Soviet Thought 26 (1983), 158-161.

Review of David I. Goldstein, Dostoevsky and the Jews, Studies in Soviet Thought 26 (1983), 161-172.

"Perun's Revenge: Understanding the duxovnaja kul'tura", Studies in Soviet Thought 27 (1984), 1-24.

Review of Ayleen Teskey, Platonov and Fyodorov: The Influence of Christian Philosophy on a Soviet Writer, Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1984), 52-60.

Review of Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1850-1859, Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (1986), 162-170.

Review of Tsuyoshi Hasegawi, The February Revolution: Petrograd, 1917, Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (1986), 180-193.

Review of Edward H. Judge, Plehve: Repression and Reform in Imperial Russia, 1902-1904, Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (1986), 183-191.

Review of Nikolai N. Sukhanov, The Russian Revolution, 1917: A Personal Record, Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (1986), 255-259.

Review of G. Swain, Russian Social Democracy and the Legal Labour Movement, 1906-1914, Studies in Soviet Thought 33 (1987), 172-176.

Review of S. A. Smith, Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918, Studies in Soviet Thought 33 (1987), 176-183.

Review of Alexander Bogdanov, Red Star, the First Bolshevik Revolution, Studies in Soviet Thought 33 (1987), 372-376.

Review of Alexander D. Nakhimovsky and Alice Stone Nakhimovsky (editors), The Semiotics of Russian Cultural History, Studies in Soviet Thought 33 (1987), 376-380.

"J. L. van Heijenoort, Obituary", Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1987), 97.

Review of Christopher Duffy, Russia's Military Way to the West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power, 1700-1800, Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1987), 104-106.

Review of Nicholas Rzhevsky, Russian Literature and Ideology: Herzen, Dostoevsky, Leontiev, Tolstoy, Fadayev, Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1987), 107-110.

Review of Robert V. Daniels (editor), A Documentary History of Communism, Vol. I, Communism in Russia, Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1987), 110-111.

Review of Abbott Gleason, Peter Kenez, and Richard Stites (editors), Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 64-67.

Review of C. Brown (editor), The Portlable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 68-69.

Review of S. Steshin, et al., Narisiz Istorii Ukrai'nskoi Kul'turi/Essays from the History of Ukrainian Culture, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 69-70.

Review of Philip Pomper (editor), Trotsky's Notebooks, 1933-1935: Writings on Lenin, Dialectics, and Evolutionism, The Russian Review 47 (1988), 107-108.

"Jean van Heijenoort, the Revolutionary, the Scholar, and Man (1912-1986)", Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 147-178.

Review of Jane Ellis, The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 223-228.

Review of Peter Beilharz, Trotsky, Trotskyism, and the Transition to Socialism, Studies in Soviet Thought 38 (1989), 299-303.

Review of Charles J. Halperin, Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Russian History, Studies in Soviet Thought 39 (1990), 164-168.

Review of Signposts: A Collection of Articles on the Russian Intelligentsia, translated and edited by Marshall S. Shatz and Judith E. Zimmermann, and Out of the Depths (De Profundis): A Collection of Articles on the Russian Revolution, translated and edited by William F. Woehrlin, Studies in Soviet Thought 40 (1990), 357-359.

Review of Richard Luckett, The White Generals: An Account of the White Movement and the Russian Civil War, Studies in Soviet Thought 41 (1991), 67-69.

Review of Albert Glotz, Trotsky: Memoir and Critique, Studies in Soviet Thought 44 (1992), 148-151.

Review of Samuel Farber, Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy, Studies in Soviet Thought 44 (1992), 229-230.

Review of Merle Fainsod, Smolensk Under Soviet Rule, Studies in East European Thought 48 (1996), 296-298.

"Some Notes from the KGB on the Fate of Pavel Florenskij", Modern Logic 6 (1996), 403-407.


"Andrei Kolov and the Magic Trees", Spectrum 2 (Spring 1967), 41-42.

Letter to the Editor: "The Academic Survival of Socrates Jones", Proceedings and Address of the American Philosophical Association 52 (no. 1, September, 1978), 46-48.

"Dr. Anellis Replies", Proceedings and Address of the American Philosophical Association 52 (no. 3, January, 1979), 437-439.

Letter to the Editor: "Technocrats Abuse Science", The Florida Alligator, August 7, 1979, p. 9.

Review of R. B. J. Walker (editor), Culture, Ideology, and World Order, Studies on a Just World Order, Studies in Soviet Thought 35 (1988), 71-72.

"Open Letter", Bulletin of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Logic/Société Canadienne d'histoire et de philosophie des mathématiques, no. 35 (November 2004), 6-7.

"From My Vantage Point: Taxes, Teachers, and Mental Health", Webster County Disabilities Alliance Recorder 5, no. 2 (February 2005), 2.

"Famous Mathematicians, Philosophers, Scientists, Artists (and Others) who Suffered from Neurological, Physiological, or Psychological Disorders"; http://peircepublishing.com/page7.html; http://360.yahoo.com/phaneroscopy.

Some writings (pro et contra) on my work:

Ignacio ANGELLELI, Review of Van Heijenoort, Mathematical Reviews (1996)96a, MR #96a:03001.

Jean-Yves BÉZIAU, Review of Van Heijenoort, Review of Modern Logic 8 (nos. 1/2, January 1998-April 2000), 105-117.

John CORCORAN & R. RUDNICKI, Review of "Forty Years of Unnatural ‘Natural’ Deduction...", Mathematical Reviews (1994), 94m:03004a.

Paul ERNEST, 'A Note concerning Irving H. Anellis, "Distortions and Discontinuities in Mathematical Progress: a matter of style, a matter of luck, a matter of time, ... a matter of fact", Philosophica 50 (1992), 123-125.

Ivor GRATTAN-GUINNESS, "Comments on Stevens' Review of the Cambridge Companion and Anellis on Truth Tables", Russell (n.s.) 24, no. 2 (Winter 2004-05), 185-188.

Hubert C. KENNEDY, Letter to the Editor: Axiom of Choice, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 31 (1984), 284; reprinted: Hubert C. Kennedy, Twelve Articles on Giuseppe Peano (San Francisco: Preemptory Publications, 2002; http://home.att.net/~clairnorman/Twelve_Articles.pdf), 101.

Gregory LANDINI, Review of Van Heijenoort, History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1996), 98.

Gary RICHMOND, Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce, http://www.nabble.com/CG%3A-Studies-in-the-Logic-of-Charles-Sanders-Peirce-to8079068.html.

Other: "W. V. Quine's Unpublished Remarks - dated", in Douglas Boynton Quine, "Willard Van Orman Quine's Professional Essays, Articles, Reviews, Abstracts, Unpublished Manuscripts, Lectures, and Remarks"; http://www.wvquine.org/wvq-publish.html): W. V. Quine 1986. Jean van Heijenoort Memorial at Harvard University, April 28, 1986. [5 verbatim lecture note cards - Misc. talks] (there were memorials at both Harvard University and Stanford University; I've corrected this listing to indicate that Quine's talk was at Harvard based on Irving H. Anellis' "Jean van Heijenoort, the revolutionary, the scholar, and man (1912–1986)" in Studies in East European Thought (1988) 35(2): 147-178)

Recent lecture invitations:

LMPS ’03, International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Session on History of Logic, August, 2003, Oviedo, Spain.

Peirce Edition Project/Institute for American Thought, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, October 16, 2005.

Sovremennaya logika: problemy teorii, istorii i primenenia v nauke. IX Obshcherossiiskoi nauch’noi konfrerentsii 22-24 iunya, 2006 g., University of Saint-Petersburg, 22-24 June, 2006.

University of Iowa Philosophy Department Colloquium, 10 November 2006 .

International Conference on Logic, Navya Nyaya and Applications, Calcutta, January 2007.


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